Lucasville Legends
Committee members: Linda Scott, Tom Adkins and Colleen Crabtree have established the following criteria to be considered for this honor: a person must have contributed to and/or brought honor to the Lucasville community and the person must be deceased.
Francisco "Frank" Sutphin Alley
John Artis
Alice Moulton Barker
Dr. Henry Clay Beard, MD
Clyde Brant
Charles Aldro "Brownie" Brown
Nell Yeager Bumgarner
Dr. David C. Coleman, MD
Lawrence Thornton Comer
Estel "Crabby" Crabtree
Abigail Lucas Clark Cramer
Holton Diamond
Laurie Franks (stage name) Laura Rachel Bumgarner (birth name)
Mary Belnap Moulton Darlington Groninger
Russell Alonzo "Doc" Hurd
Molly Lauman
Captain John Lucas
Dorothy McConnell
Eva Hemans Thomas McConnell
Bishop Francis John McConnell
Mary Jane McKinley
Chandler Julius "CJ" Moulton
Elmer Pfleger
Charles Preston
Harry Rice
Wesley Branch Rickey
Roy Rogers (stage name) Leonard Franklin Slye (birth name)
Genevieve Hamilton Marsh Spriggs
Charlotte & Florence Thomas (sisters)
Dr. John Beverly Warwick, MD
Harold Earl Young